It never seems to amaze me how people can be so creative to generate workable and profitable business ideas that revolve around the Internet. I read the e-mail below today by Joel Comm. He is basically sourcing for content for his blog ( and agrees to credit your AdSense account directly for any clicks on Adsense advertisements that are shown with your article (50% of the time).
Joel makes money from his own advertisements that are shown the other 50% of the time. But Joel does not have to do any work! Just sits back, relax, and earns Adsense dollars. He basically leverages off the content from all the people that contribute to this blog. And if his blog has scale ie. sufficient readers, it has upward spiral affect - more readers, more clicks on ads, more writers, more readers and on and on.
A simple and wonderful business model. I am sure we can learn something from this and apply it somewhere else.
Joel Comm
To: Horr Wai
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Hi Horr,
Blogging and AdSense.
They go together like peas and carrots.
It's where the money is.
But sometimes it is difficult to get started with your own blog...
... and that's where I come in.
If you want to have an instant opportunity to earn with AdSense,
I'm going to provide it for you right now, completely and totally
for free!
As you may know, was the very first site I placed
online. Since 1995, this site has been a portal to the web.
Last year, I started a free service on this site called The
WorldVillage Blogger Network.
Essentially, this site provides you with the opportunity to create
original content to be placed on the site AND earn
AdSense revenue!
Not only that, but you can also get a link back to your website
from your articles.
So how does this work?
It's simple.
1) You apply for a WorldVillage Blogger Network account at:
2) Once approved, you simply login to the site, put in your
personal information, including your AdSense publisher ID, and blog
your articles.
3) Your AdSense publisher ID will automatically be inserted in the
AdSense Code on the page and display with your articles 50% of the
time. That means ads that are clicked when your publisher ID is
active will credit DIRECTLY to your AdSense account!
It's really that easy.
Signup. Blog. Earn.
While we don't approve EVERY blogger for the site, we are looking
for people who want to create original content in their area of
expertise in order to share their information and earn more AdSense
So what are you waiting for Horr?
Join the WorldVillage Blogger Network today by applying at:
Live life today!
P.S. - You will also get benefit from a link in your bio box going
back to your site!
P.P.S. - Remember. Original content is the way to earn with
AdSense. This is not a place to duplicate content that you have
published elsewhere.
P.P.P.S. - I am expecting a good number of applications. Please be
patient and we go through them and approve accounts!
InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA
19 October, 2007
Blogging and AdSense -
Posted by
Friday, October 19, 2007
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15 October, 2007
Make MONEY from Web Videos Ads!
Blinkx, one of the world's largest and most advanced video search engine has recently launched Blinkx AdHoc, a service that allows you to earn money from advertisements placed above the web video! All you need to do is register with Blinkx, and have a valid PayPal e-mail account (registration is free at PayPal). Do remember that only text advertisements that are relevant to the video will be displayed (similar to Google Adsense showing relevant text ads for relevant words, but in this case its for videos). Not all videos will have ads displayed. blinkx's AdHoc technology looks for relevant ads and only shows those that it predicts will be relevant and useful for your viewers. As a result, there will be times when there are few or even no ads shown, and you won't make money. Payment is made directly to your PayPal account once you have accumulated USD20.00.
Overall, getting started with Blinkx is super easy, and it took me a few minutes to figure out how it works, despite being new to web videos in general.
I believe Google will be offering this VERY SOON for its YouTube videos. This will allow people who post videos on YouTube to potentially earn advertisement dollars! Another revenue stream for the general public. Wonderful.
In the meantime, I have applied the Blinkx AdHoc system below. Check out the video and do CLICK ON THE ADVERTISEMENT LINK in the video. I will monitor and report back in this blog whether this scheme by Blinkx really works.
Here's the video, and don't forget to click on the advertisement (if you see it. You may not see any advertisements depending on whether Blinkx has any ads to serve). You may need to click on the ad twice before the pop-up window opens to the advertiser's side (1st click is to activate the control, 2nd click is to pop up the window)
Posted by
Monday, October 15, 2007
Labels: marketing advertisements
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12 October, 2007
AGLOCO! What an elegant business concept.

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Friday, October 12, 2007
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Interesting E-mail SCAM?!
I received an e-mail today that I thought was rather interesting. It's a SCAM, but will actually work without supposedly breaching any laws, and without hurting anybody too seriously. But like any pyramid schemes, the last group of people holding the baby will eventually get nothing at all. But the concept is truly brilliant, and really the most each person can lose is 10 dollars.
Read the e-mail below:
Comments: If I can get 20 people to pay me $5 each, I initially earn $100. If these 20 people get another 20 people, my name is bumped up to 4th spot on that e-mail chain. So there is now 400 e-mails going around with my name on 4th spot. At 3rd spot there will be 400 x 20 = 8000 e-mails. At 2nd spot, 160,000 e-mails. At 1st spot 3,200,000 e-mails! If everybody paid you $5, you would theoretically earn a cool $16,000,000!
But given leakages and not everybody getting 20 people each, your target earnings is supposed to be $50,000. Not bad eh? Even if you can earn $20 out of this, that's already a 100% return from your $5 right?
The key points to learn from this are:
- People are greedy, and want to get rich quick. If you know how to take advantage of this (legally, of course), there are opportunities
- Viral marketing grows exponentially!
Dear client,
Here is our unique gift to you in conjunction with the coming Hari Raya and festive season. A gift that was proven to be the most successful and legal way of making money with the lowest investment ever. Just follow the instructions and be honest in using this gift. It was covered by many famus programs in the USA and was sent to us by one of our clients there... we are presenting it to you here for free. We don't want to take more time... We wish you all the best!
Here is the email... Good luck:
Make $50,000 In 2 Weeks It Really Works - Quickly and LegallyDo you need extra income ?Quickly and Legally ?ONLY $10 ONETIMEFor The Price of 2 Happy Meals You Help Your Fellow ManBasically This is People Helping People Do you have a PayPal Account? (IF not, the set up takes under 5 minutes AND IT'S TOTALLY FREE!!!)You could make up to $ 50,000 in one month's time with more money coming in every month thereafter!$50,000 in PayPal? That's Right! $50,000 Dollars in your PayPal ACCOUNT, IT WAS PROVEN ON OPRAH and this system is COMPLETELY LEGAL!!! You may have heard of this program (or one like it) on 20/20 or even in the Wall Street Journal. $10 that's all it takes. I'll try to keep it short and sweet.
To get started just copy this whole page and paste it to edit it. Simply follow the instructions below and in 2 to 4 weeks, you could have as much as $50,000 in your PayPal account or even more. Most people respond to this program because of the low investment ($10Dollars) and the high profit potential. There is no limit to the income you can generate from this (you can do it over and over). If you follow the instructions, you will reach thousands of people! Honesty, Faith, and integrity make this system work. I think everyone has heard of PayPal. Anyone with an e-mail address can join for FREE! If you're not already a PayPal user, the first thing you need to do is sign up. Sign up for PayPal here = It's real easy to set up and it's FREE!!! Just make sure you have a Business or Premier account or you may be subjected to a monthly income limitation which may slow this program down.
Send $5 to the first person on the list by using the PayPal send money feature, and include in the e-mail: "Payment for Internet Marketing". This keeps the program legal. Then send another $5 to the 5th person on the list, with an e-mail that says: "Payment for Internet Marketing 5th". Remove the 1st e-mail address and place your address at the bottom. This moves the 2nd to 1st, 3rd to 2nd, 4th to 3rd and the 5th into 4th. DO NOT TRY TO PLACE YOURSELF IN THE FIRST PLACE. IT WILL ONLY REACH THE PEOPLE YOU SEND IT TO, AND THEN YOUR NAME WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE LIST!
If you do this the way it was designed, it will reach thousands by the time your name gets to the top. REMEMBER TO SEND a $5.00 Dollar donation to the 1st e-mail address and the message "PAYMENT FOR INTERNET MARKETING". Send a SIMILAR e-mail with the words "Payment for Internet Marketing 5th" and the other $5.00 Dollars to the 5th person. This will help the 5th person to keep track of progress of the letter and continue to send out more e-mails.
Here is the list:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (Make sure it's the same e-mail address that you used to open yourPayPal account. This is the way you will receive your payment).
Now that you have paid the 1st and the 5th person and sent them both an e-mail (via PayPal account) and placed your e-mail address in the 5th place, then what you need to do is post your letter. You can post on,, message boards and newsgroups (there are thousands) and you can even send an e-mail to your e-mail list. IT IS YOUR JOB AS THE 5TH PERSON ON THE LIST TO ENSURE THERE ARE AT LEAST 20 "Payment for Internet Marketing" replies. The fifth person is the guardian of the system = YOU !!
If there are not at least 20 replies then the 5th person will keep sending/posting the letter until there are. MAKE SURE YOU SEND $5 DOLLARS TO THE FIRST PERSON TO THANK THEM FOR WHEN THEY WERE THE GUARDIAN OF THE LETTER AND $5 DOLLARS TO THE 5th PERSON SO MORE EMAILS CONTINUE TO GO OUT!!!
Now the fun happens. We reap what we sow. Other people will see your posting and do the exact same thing, bringing you lots and lots of dollars!! Seriously, it's common sense - you do it and 25 or more people see and do the exact same thing and everyone wins!!! You will receive thanks AND THE SAME BLESSING. When your name is on the 1st slot, 8,000 to 15,000 people will send you $25.00 dollars! Keep in mind the most you spend is $10 DOLLARS! = (WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND!)
TESTIMONIALS: Mary Gathers, Columbus , SC :I only have one thing to say to you: OH MY GOD! I sent out 142 copies total before 20 replied, like the instructions said. Then I went on a short vacation. When I got back, my account had over $ 32,000 dollars in it already and the money was still coming! I'm still floating in air (especially with my new car). I thought the guardian system sounded cheesy, but now I realize it is the formula that makes this letter really work! THANKS!
Richard Barrie, Boulder, CO:I was shocked when I saw how much money came flooding into my PayPal account. Within 3 weeks my account balance has ballooned to $22,449. At first I thought there had been some sort of error with my account!
Please give it an honest effort, you will not be disappointed and will be very glad you did when it starts to work. Remember, all you are going to be out of pocket is a about the cost of a couple of coffees with the opportunity of banking thousands of dollars into your PayPal account! Take the smallest risk of your life!!!! The Guardian system is based on Honest people helping each other out. This Program is completely legal if you follow step by step directions. It has the same concept of building a downline except more profitable and affordable. Wish you the best of luck and may you prosper in fortune.
Make big money in an Honest Way !
To Success!
Posted by
Friday, October 12, 2007
Labels: marketing
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10 October, 2007 - The next AirAsia of no-frills insurance?
On 20th Septembe 2007, Malaysia's first no-frills, one-stop financial services company Tune Money Sdn Bhd launched its online insurance service under the Tune Money banner( which is aimed at offering affordable services for the under-served market. Offering insurance at the lowest possible premiums of up to 30% lower than the market, TuneMoney's key selling point is clear. Moreover, TuneMoney is targetting 'the little guy', the customer who doesn't earn enough to qualify for a credit card, buy insurance or even invest. With almost entirely all blue collar workers, teenagers and fresh graduates in this category, the market to be captured by TuneMoney is both large and ready.
TuneMoney currently offers insurance policies for personal accident, motorcyclist personal accident and home insurance. The policies will be underwritten by CIMB Aviva.
The company expects to add hospital and surgical and motor covers by the year-end.
TuneMoney will also be launching its payment card (ie. a prepaid credit card) very soon. This promises to be an exciting product as there are many people who need a credit card, but do not qualify to get one. But take note, this is not technically a 'credit card' as no credit is given to the customer. It is a prepaid payment card ie. you first need to deposit money into the card (via eg. online banking, POS Malaysia and other payment methods to be revealed) before you can use it. But it is a 'credit card' in the sense that you can use it just like any terminals or websites that accepts MasterCard of Visa. There will definitely be a demand for this card by teenagers who will use it to purchase products and services online (eg. books, online games, (pornography?) etc). To date, teenagers have had to rely on older friends with credit cards, or made use of other payment methods such as MOL e-Points. But MOL e-Points is not as widespread accepted as a credit card.
It will be interesting to see how TuneMoney develops. It has the potential to be Asia's largest no-frills insurance company. And if anybody can, you can expect the team at TuneMoney headed by CEO Tengku Zafrul Aziz and backed by shareholders like Datuk Tony Fernandes and Datuk Kalimullah Hassan to succeed. But it's still early days and we need more time to see how things develop.
Some key challenges, in my opinion are:
1) Payment methods. TuneMoney's key market group are people who currently do not have a credit card and/or and online banking account. So, to sell these group of people insurance, prepaid credit cards and other products, TuneMoney will need to beef up and make widespread its offline payment methods (eg. POS Malaysia etc).
2) Most people use a credit card for its credit. Yes, some people use it for convenience. But the majority of people use it for the credit (if not, banks won't be earning the huge amounts they are earning now from credit cards interest charged). The prepaid credit card does not provide credit. So, this means that the main purpose of a prepaid credit card is convenience. Or perhaps partially for image and 'glamour' of owning a plastic card. So it's hard to say how popular a prepaid credit card will be.
3) Momentum. TuneMoney will need to generate lots of momentum to make this business successful. This business is without doubt a business numbers. Large numbers need to be achieved, and soon.
On the plus side, TuneMoney has the highly successful Tune brand that has successful franchises like AirAsia and TuneMoney. It is managed by professionals who know what they are doing, and have solid shareholder backing.
Check out TuneMoney today, but some insurance, and comment here on what you think!
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007
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08 October, 2007
The NEXT BIG Thing: Mobile Advertisements?
I have always had a personal interest on figuring out how to make the mobile advertisement model work. Blasting out SMS messages to the general public (ie. SMS Spam) is clearly ineffective and costly, and is also now prohibited by the MCMC (Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission). Sending out SMS messages to your registered subscriber base is a step better, but is still ineffective after taking into account the cost involved of sending out the SMS. The lack of pick-up of SMS advertising in Malaysia is a further indication that this model is not working well. I inevitably always delete these pesky SMS adverts that I receive. MMS advertisements, in my opinion, is even less effective and cumbersome. It's also no point getting users to download an application that needs to be activated to view the advertisements. Such applications, like Java games, will need to be closed for the user to make and receive calls and SMSes.

I would like to hear your feedback on the following questions and issues:
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Monday, October 08, 2007
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Facing Off Over Facebook?

The number of high price tech purchases in the recent past that turned out to be duds are well documented elsewhere.
So what do you think about Facebook? Is Facebook really worth that much? Besides advertisements, what other revenue channels can be generated? Can those add-on applications on Facebook make money? Please comment.
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Monday, October 08, 2007
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